20 Mar

Where we Have come From

An idea that started with two excited young ladies in a café has evolved into a monumental example of consistency and resilience. Most people have ideas that just remain ideas. It takes driven people to turn an idea into reality. Tunaweza Foundation is a solid example of a driven team that stops at nothing to achieve a set goal. An idea, a dream that started with a team of 5 volunteers, is now a well-established entity that not only challenges people’s ill perceptions about people living with disabilities but also provides once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for children living with disabilities who always end up missing out on life because of missed opportunities. Tunaweza’s backbone started with five volunteers and is now a place of employment for nine people.

The foundation set a goal to try and level the ground for disabled children so they can have access to opportunities like every other child. They did and are doing this by enrolling financially disadvantaged disabled children into good schools. The bigger picture behind this goal was and is being able to be a part of the contributing and decision-making panels in their country. How can they be part of these panels when they are uneducated? How can they be part of their society and contribute to its development when people look at them as people with inabilities? How can other people look at people living with disabilities with nothing other than pity unless they see what they are capable of?

The Foundation has promoted awareness and addressed misconceptions about people living with disabilities for people it has reached. It has given people with disabilities the long overdue empowerment needed to realize how much they can accomplish if only they change their attitudes towards themselves.